- About
- Book Reviews
- Analysis of Afifi 2012 by Bob Larzelere
- Analysis of Straus 1997
- Analysis of the AAP 1998 Policy on Discipline
- Association, Not Causation
- Authoritative Parenting
- Avoiding all disappointment
- Bad Design Yields Poor Results
- Baumrind 10 year follow-up, 2010
- Birth Order Effects on Personality and Achievement
- Choices: Too Many Too Early
- Contact Us
- Corporal Punishment
- Common Arguments Against Spanking
- Disciplinary Spanking: Defined
- Disciplinary Spanking: Is It Necessary?
- How to Use Disciplinary Spanking
- Official Policies on Physical Punishment
- Research on Corporal Punishment
- Risk of Physical Abuse
- Spanking Ban
- The Corporal Punishment Conference
- The Spanking Debate
- Digitally Distracted Parents
- Disciplinary Spanking
- Dodging Disappointment
- Giving Your Child Too Much Praise
- Healthy Eating
- Home
- How Strict Should I Be?
- Inattention: Advice for Home and School
- Ladybug book
- Larzelere Analysis of Gershoff 2002
- Letter to Editor 1995
- Letter to the AAP Board about Discipline Policy
- Loving by Leading
- Marriage and the Child
- Misbehavior Checklist
- Ordinary Spanking Does Not Equal Corporal Punishment
- Power Assertion: “Might Makes Right”
- Punishing too often
- Research on Self-Control
- Resources
- Should I Lead or Follow My Child?
- Sleep & Nutrition
- Spanking does not cause aggressiveness and anti-social behavior
- Spanking Doesn’t Teach Hitting is OK
- Studies show support…
- Table Of Contents
- Teach ‘Em How to Fish
- Teaching Your Child Self-Control
- Temper Tantrums & Whining
- Temper Tantrums and Whining
- Goal
- Process
- How do I?
- The Child
- Parents