Analyses of Specific Research on Corporal Punishment
The following studies are worthy of more detailed review and analysis. The studies in brown are in opposition to spanking, and the studies in green are in favor.
- STUDY 2023: Is Spanking Always Harmful to Children? by R. Larzelere, PhD
- POLICY 2021: Physical Punishment: A Scientific Review of Its Use in Child Discipline by the American College of Pediatricians. 2021
- STUDY 2021: Physical Punishment and Child Outcomes: A Narrative Review of Prospective Studies. Heilmann A, Mehay A, Watt RG, et al. Lancet 2021.
- SUMMARY 2019: Larzelere and Fuller summarize the current research on disciplinary spanking.
- POLICY 2018: Effective Discipline to Raise Healthy Children. Sege, RD, Siegel BS. Pediatrics.
- STUDY 2018: Improving Causal Inferences in Meta-analyses of Longitudinal Studies: Spanking as an Illustration. Lazelere RE, Gunnoe ML, Fergusen CJ. Child Development. May 2018.
- STUDY 2017. Childhood Corporal Punishment and Future Perpetration of Physical Dating Violence. Temple JR, Choi HJ. Journal of Pediatrics. December 2017. DOI:
- Analysis: Critique of the Temple study
- STUDY 2017. Links between Spanking and Children’s Behavior. Gershoff ET, Satler KMP. Psychological Science. November 2017.
- Analysis: Critique of the 2017 Gershoff study
- STUDY 2017. Spanking and Adult Mental Health Impairment. Afifi TO, Ford D, Gershoff ET. Child Abuse & Neglect. September 2017.
- Analysis: Critique of Afifi & Gershoff 2017 study. Lief, Eric. 2017
- STUDY, 2017: Children and Parents Deserve Better Parental Discipline Research: Critiquing the Evidence for Exclusively “Positive” Parenting. Marriage & Family Review. January 2017.
- STUDY, 2016: Spanking and Child Outcomes. Gershoff ET, Grogan-Kaylor A. Journal of Family Psychology.2016;30:453-469
- Analysis: Research on Disciplinary Spanking is Misleading. Larzelere BE, Trumbull DA. American College of Pediatrics. January 2017.
- STUDY, 2014: Spanking and Child Development Across the First Decade of Life. MacKenzie MJ, Nicklas E, Waldfogel J, Brooks-Gunn J. Pediatrics. 2013;132(5):e1118-e1125. and Spanking and Children’s Externalizing Behavior Across the First Decade of Life: Evidence for Transactional Processes. (same authors, same study). Journal of Youth Adolescence. published online March 2014.
- Analysis: Letter to the AAP Board by Larzelere, Trumbull, Zanga, Gunnoe, & Ferguson.
- Analysis: Larzelere, Trumbull, & Zanga’s Letter to Editor in Pediatrics: Please Stop Publishing Inadequate Science about Spanking.
- STUDY, 2013: Associations between Parenting Style, Physical Discipline, and Adjustment in Adolescents’ Reports. Gunnoe, ML. Psych Reports: Disability & Trauma. 2013. 112(3), 933-975.
- STUDY, 2013: Spanking, corporal punishment and negative long-term outcomes: A meta-analytic review of longitudinal studies. Ferguson, CJ. Clinical Psychology Review. 2013. 33:196–208.
- STUDY, 2012: Physical Punishment and Mental Disorders: Results From a Nationally Representative US Sample. Afifi TO, Mota NP, Dasiewicz P, MacMillan HL, Sareen J. Pediatrics. July 2012;130:1–9.
- Analysis: Analysis of Afifi 2012
- Analysis: Trumbull, Larzelere, & Nieman’s Letter to the Editor in Pediatrics: “Harsh Physical Punishment and Disciplinary Spanking Are Very Different.” Link to Pediatrics article.
- STUDY, 2010: Effects of Preschool Parents’ Power Assertive Patterns and Practices on Adolescent Development. Baumrind, Larzelere, & Owens. PARENTING: SCIENCE AND PRACTICE, 10: 157–201, 2010
- STUDY, 2010: Mothers’ Spanking of 3-Year-Old Children and Subsequent Risk of Children’s Aggressive Behavior. Taylor, Manganello, Lee & Rice. Pediatrics 2010; 125; e1057-e1065; originally published online Apr 12, 2010.
- Counter Article: Do nonphysical punishments reduce antisocial behavior more than spanking? A comparison using the strongest previous causal evidence against spanking. Larzelere, Cox & Gayle. BMC Pediatrics. Feb 2010. 10:10.
- STUDY, 2008: Report on Physical Punishment in the United States: What Research Tells Us About its Effects on Children. The Center for Effective Discipline. Report published in 2008 by Gershoff
- Analysis: The American College of Pediatricians responded with an analysis titled, Response to “Physical Punishment in the United States. 2008
- STUDY, 2005: Comparing Child Outcomes of Physical Punishment and Alternative Disciplinary Tactics: A Meta-Analysis. Larzelere and Kuhn. Clinical Child and Family Psychological Review. Vol 8 (1), March 2005, 1-37.
- STUDY, 2002: Corporal punishment by parents and associated child behaviors and experiences: A meta-analytic and theoretical review. Gershoff. Psychological Bulletin, Vol 128(4), Jul 2002, 539-579
- Analysis: Analysis of Gershoff Report by Larzelere
- Analysis: Ordinary physical punishment: Is it harmful? Comment on Gershoff (2002). Baumrind, Larzelere, & Cowan. Psychological Bulletin, Vol 128(4), Jul 2002, 580-589.
- Counter Article: Comparing Child Outcomes of Physical Punishment and Alternative Disciplinary Tactics: A Meta-Analysis. Larzelere and Kuhn. Clinical Child and Family Psychological Review. Vol 8 (1), March 2005, 1-37.
- STUDY, 1997: Spanking by Parents and Subsequent Antisocial Behavior of Children. Straus, Sugarman, &Giles-Sims. Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine Vol. 151, August 1997, pp 761-767
- Analysis: Analysis of Straus 1997